Gamestop Wired Xbox360 Controller Issue
  • Hi all,

    I'm trying to get a Gamestop Xbox360 wired controller working but am having major difficulties with it. It's listed on as having been supported since 0.6.0xboxdrv but my Pi isn't picking it up. I get the "No Xbox controller found" message on boot.

    I've browsed through the forum and tried most of the solutions presented. I've downloaded the joystick software (sudo apt-get install joystick), downloaded the xboxdrv, added

    xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent & sleep 1
    xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 1 --led 3 --deadzone 4000 --silent & sleep 1

    to rc.local, changed "device_joystick none" to auto, run "sudo xboxdrv" and noticed changing values when I press buttons on the controller, but still the device may as well not be plugged in.

    I'm entirely new to this and so I've probably overlooked something or have left something out but for the life of me I can't find out what's wrong. Can anyone help me?
  • I had the same problem with a wired Xbox controller. I fixed it by plugging the controller directly into the Pi. It will not work on a USB hub.
  • There must be some subtle difference in the two brands. I tried this as well and got nowhere. And I have mine plugged into the pi directly.
  • It's plugged into the Pi directly. I'll try the newer PiPlay beta releases over the weekend, I'm using 0.7.10 at the moment. I'll also have the opportunity to test another controller (not sure of the manufacturer) in a week or two to see if it's just the Gamestop one.

    Is there a way to specify the make of controller manually?
  • Yes. xboxdrv allows you to specify which one. The Gamestop controller is listed as supported for xboxdrv. I have the controller and I am using PiPlay 8 b3. Same issues.
  • Please help. What do I need to type to bring up the file so I can add this

    xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent & sleep 1
    xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 1 --led 3 --deadzone 4000 --silent & sleep 1

    to rc.local, and change "device_joystick none" to auto, run "sudo xboxdrv" and noticed changing values when I press buttons on the controller, but still the device may as well not be plugged in.

    Sorry I'm new to all this
  • May I also suggest adding
    --device-by-id VENDOR:PRODUCT

    Where VENDOR:PRODUCT is replaced with the output from lsusb.
    I don't use an xbox controller anymore, but I used this to run it:
    sudo xboxdrv --device-by-id "0f30:0410" --type xbox --silent --mouse --config /usr/share/doc/xboxdrv/examples/mouse.xboxdrv

    As for rc.local, it is located in /etc/rc.local

    Hope I helped ;)

    (YAY! 200th post)
  • The command is "sudo nano /etc/rc.local" and the extra lines should be inserted under the line that says "#By default this script does nothing."

    I found it in this thread -

    Can anyone help me remap the pcsx controls? I've sorted the other emulators but I can't find a config file for this and can't use the tool in the emulator to map them. When I press the A button to remap the button it just sets every button as A (X00 or something like that) Anybody sorted this before or know where I can edit them from the command line?

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