Anyone have an easy way (for a newbie) to install FCEUX on the PiMAME? I have an exe file of it in my pi folder, but don't know how to install it and get it running.
Right. OK. So I found something about apt-get install and then you add the name of the program, but nothing came up for FCEUX. I also searched for anything resembling FCEUX, but not luck. I'd really love to have NES games on my mame cabinet but not finding a workable way!
Ha! That's where I got information about searching and installing information with apt under the "Add software to raspberry pi". The article made it sound easy like you either type in apt-get install or search using apt-cache search . Neither of these worked so I downloaded FCEUX onto a usb drive on my MAC and transferred it to my pi. Still unable to make it work...
Where did you get the file from? Do they have instructions on its use?
After a quick google search, it does appear to be fceux (lower case). However, you can only install a package using apt-get if a package has been built for (and is stored in) the main RPI package repositories.
If it still says the package can't be found (esp. when doing an apt-cache search), it means that your local sources don't have it, your caches aren't up to date, or it just doesn't exist as an RPI package.
Try this:
sudo apt-get update
This will update the caches to be current
sudo apt-get install fceux (assumes fceux is in fact the name of the package)
Now going back to what you said before, you have a file already, right? if the file you have in your folders is in fact an executable, you should first make sure it has execute permissions:
chmod +x filename (replace "filename" with the name as it shows in your folder)
Then, you can try running it from the command line by doing:
Post back with any more questions/error messages/feedback.
Still not having any luck. That link was enlightening. It explained that Fceux has no Graphic User Interface (an acronym I just learned - GUI). I tried running ./fcuex Excitebike.nes but that denied permission. So I added sudo and got command not found. Then I tried adding sudo nano ./fceux Excitebike.nes. The terminal turned into a window of gibberish tex @ signs everywheret! One thing it said at the bottom, however - [Read 12252 Lines (converted from DOS and Mac format)] Does that mean this .nes file is not compatible with Linux?
THAT DID IT! Got it to play the initial 3 games I downloaded! Thanks again, FortyRock!
Couple of issues. First, what do I type in the command line to get into configure the controls for fceux? It doesn't have a GUI and hitting tab doesn't open anything up so I can't remap the keyboard. Secondly, I'm gonna have to really research and figure out what that link above is saying about sound quality. I've read and reread and I'm just not getting it yet. I use an HDMI connection and the sound is distorted and treacly.