Bartop ESC button issues
  • Hello
    Building a bartop arcade, using a joystick and 6 buttons connected to a generic USB encoder

    ^^this one (Side note, seen a lot of complaints about xin-mo encoders. Haven't had a single problem with this, worked straight out the packaging, useful if you have buttons and microswitches knocking around anyway, remember to specify the correct wire connector size for the microswitches, unfortunately I didn't do this and had to spend some time crimping and soldering on some new spade-end connectors)

    However, aside from this, I wanted to use another button for a dedicated ESC key to get me out of emulators (no keyboard for the build), and I decided to investigate connecting one to the GPIO pins. This led me to the retrogame project, which seemed fairly straightforward, downloaded the GPIO config file, removed everything and added a line tying GPIO 10 to KEY_ESC. However, when I run the makefile it comes up with a bunch of error messages, something to do with ncurses whatever that is (i'm new to Linux). Any ideas?

    Also, using GPIO as well as a USB connection wont screw anything up will it? If so, does anyone have any ideas as to how I might reprogram the output of the 7th button connection on the encoder to function as ESC being pressed? (Absolutely no idea about this one which is why I was looking at GPIO, no worries if no one knows)

  • I dont know for sure but isn't the escape key represented as 99 ie GPIO 10 to KEY_99
  • I have the same problem. Have you gotten it to work?
  • @george_mcknz for xin-mo it works like a charm with one player... problems appears with 2 players only!
    To escape everything can be done from the encoder and emulator configuration. See

    Why use the GPIO for only on button, you'll need to add another daemon program to wait for the event.

    If you want to use GPIO, use it fully with the pikeyd programme and mcp23017 chip, see : 'amazing program for arcade and the electronic card

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