I think I may need some help
  • Nooby here. I downloaded the latest pimame 8.0.3 and it is showing up but how do I configure things such as screen rotation and mapping my joystick and buttons. I was typing ""nano .advance/advmenu.rc" but all I get is the top title and the bottom action keys. There are nothing between the top and the bottom of the screen just blank.
    Also on my main pimame screen some things are grayed out such as snes,mame4all,neogeo,and gameboy.

    And of coarse, any help would be greatly appreciated. I might mention I have NO experience in linux whatsoever, but pretty good in windows lol. Thanks
  • when you quit the menu you are in the pimame-menu folder. the .advance folders live in your home directory, /home/pi.

    To edit it modify your command to be nano ~/.advance/advmenu.rc

    ~/ is a shortcut to /home/pi/
  • The greyed out emulators are because you haven't placed your roms in the roms folder. When you do they light up ;-)
  • Thanks guys
  • Welcome to the world of Linux, or this forum anyway.
    Marking as solved

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