[SOLVED]booting pi mame
  • when I boot pi mame 0.8.3 some the screen come on sometimes it doesn't could that mean the raspberry pi is going bad
  • maybe, but maybe not. can't tell from lack of details. are you using hdmi? if so, make sure you turn your monitor on before turning on your pi. If you do it the other way, sometimes your pi doesn't get the message to switch to video.
  • my monitor goes into sleep when the pi shutsdown it is a hdmi monitor
  • when I get it booted I click nes and tyr a rom and I get ash 1: syntax error ;(; unexpectedormation: device not found
  • I know why. The filename for your game has a ( or ) or a " " in it. Let me know if I'm right. If you rename it to have none of that it shoudl work. I need to fix that issue.
  • but what would cause the screen not to come on sometimes
  • I renamed the game and they are still not working
  • When you say the 'screen doesn't come on', do you mean you dont see anything (ie raspberry pi boot sequence). Or do you mean that you see the raspberry pi boot sequence but when you are entering pimame you get a black screen? or do you mean that you leave your pi on all night and when you come back to it, you don't see anything on your screen?
  • I don't see the rapberry pi boot screen either
  • To get mine to boot i had uncommented the following in the config file:


    maybe it willwork for you;-)
  • where do i find that config
  • I put my SD card into my laptop, here you can view the config file and edit it in notepad. You just have to remove the # before the hdmi_force_hotplug=1 etc..
  • that worked for me thank for the help
  • No worries ;-)
  • how do I mark as solved
  • [SOLVED] moderators have to switch it to the solved category.

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