delete some pifba name games
  • can remove the names of some games pifba frontend, that just want to have the ones I like. thanks
  • When you delete the ROM and reopen FBA the ROM entry should have gone? Try rebooting.
  • If you go to the settings of Final Burn, there is an option to show only available games rather than all. That should fix that issue.
  • I can't find these settings, are they in a config file or do they require a keyboard key press to get to settings in fba?
  • Well when we look at piFBA on googlecode, when your in the pifba frontend :
    UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT = scroll in the list
    A = Launch a rom (all except RED)
    X = help screen
    SELECT = options window
    START (double) = quit

    RED = missing
    ORANGE = clone rom detected
    YELLOW = parent rom detected or clone rom detected & parent rom detected
    GREEN = clone rom detected & parent rom detected & cache detected
    BLUE = parent rom detected & cache detected

    So it may help you i think to find the option say earlier.
  • In case you have a keyboard connected, press [TAB] in the overview, move to "Listing view: All" and toggle the option with [lCtrl] to "Listing: Available only" or "Listing: Available with no clones"

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