help setting up ipac controller with pi mame
  • I am using the ipac 2 controller and I was wondering how to set it up for playing two player games I am completely new to this
  • the ipac 2 player acts just like a normal keyboard with the default mame keyboard keys mapped on the pins. if you want to change the mapping, there is also an editor for that on pc, mac and linux. hope this helps.
  • i cant get nothing to work i am using the beta 8 pimame
  • i am completley new to the pi and pimame
  • Hi,
    Here you have the default key code mapping.
    So you just plug a normal keyboard on your pi first and with the ému your interested in you map control with the same key codes.
    Once is done you can plug your I-Pac2 and Voilà! :-D
  • what about the snes how do i map those controls
  • You Need to go inside the snes9x.cfg file
    Here you will find the key mapping (numbers instead of "key_D" for exemple)
    /usr/include/SDL/SDL_keysym.h Here is were you'll find which key for which number used in the mapping
  • do you have one conifgured to match mamae that i can just change the filei want mine to be two player also that is confusing to me
  • Hum you could check on google for snes9x.cfg file that match with mame4all
    I don't use pisnes so i never touch this one... Sorry :/
  • thank I will look ionto that

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