Can you map controls in FBA like you can in Mame4all?
  • Can you map controls in FBA like you can in Mame4all?
  • When you say 'like in Mame4all' well I don't think there is a 'on screen menu' but there is a file in the PiFBA directory. Something like FBAconfig.cfg

    Edit this and you can put in your keyboard commands/joystick commands.

    I have mine set up for my GPIO buttons.

    I think there are just 6 'fire' buttons and START & COIN, there are no other buttons like on MAME4ALL.
  • Thank you for your reply.
    Hmm, I can't seem to find that. Would it be visible in the PiMAME game uploader?
  • Why not command line?
  • will neo-geo roms work in mame4all?
  • Isalcedo, I have had to use the command line for several things to get this all working, but it has all been by looking up directions online. I am not fluent in command line language. Can you help me with how to access this FBAconfig file and how to edit it?

    adamrobots, I have Samurai Shodown working in mame4all. I think you just need a compatible rom (0.37b5) and to have placed in your mame4all roms folder.
  • neogeo roms works better on FBA...

    i like to use filezilla to up files to pi.
    place your local ip
    login pi
    pass raspberry

    try this wind.
    sudo nano /folder/file.extension
  • Awesome, thanks Isalcedo. Now I just need to play with those configurations. I'll probably mess my controls up a bit before I get it right can I just save that original file through PiMAME Game Uploader by opening it on my windows computer in notepad and saving that notepad file, then just change .txt back to .cfg and re-upload to that directory if I need to recover it? Thanks! Oh and one quick ridiculous question.. what is the command for getting back into the list of emulators? Every time I back out to the command line or go to shellx, I have to reboot the pi to get back to the emulators. Thanks again, I am learning so much so fast...
  • Let me just ask that more directly. How do I save the original .cfg file so that I can revert back to it if I mess it up by editing it.
  • if u want to backup "wind.cfg" rename adding ".bkp" ex: "wind.cfg.bkp" and leave it there.
    to go back to menu just type "exit"
  • fillezilla will boost your work. give it a try.
  • ThWin81 - Use notepad++ in Windows not Notepad.

    Notepad++ keeps the formating of the original files.

    Nice to know typing 'exit' gets you back into menu, I was typing 'python' or something like that every time lol!

    Yeah also FBA is much better for neogeo and capcom cps1/2 games. You don't get the mame options, but they run really well on RPi
  • I think I may remove GNGeo and repurpose the Neo Geo folder to reload into FBA
  • Ah yes, filezilla gives me the option to "download" the file. I couldn't do that with the built-in uploader. I would try to drag and drop but it would just create a web link. Now that I can download the file, I can keep a backup. Thank you so much for all of your help! I feel like I'm getting my legs. Another quick thing that gets me stuck having to reboot sometimes.... for example, after I do a jtest everything works and I can see my joystick inputs but then I am left without "pi@raspberrypi ~ $" . If I type a command like "exit" nothing happens. How do I move on and get the prompt back?
  • Higgy- Ah thanks for the notepad++ tip. Yeah I should be able to get my FBA controls situated and start using FBA more for NeoGeo games that I have been playing in mame4all.

    Silver- I still don't even know how to use GNGeo because I can't see any directories for it anywhere.
  • could map everything and play kof, samurai showdown and etc?

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