Pimame 0.8 VGA blank screen
  • Hi all,
    Pimame 7.10 works using hdmi to VGA adapter if I uncomment the hdmi group 1 in configure.txt
    Pimame 0.8 boots up fine on hdmi alone but when using adapter to hook up to monitor it has a blank screen. Uncommenting hdmi group does not work, nor does uncommenting the hdmi mode. Also is there a way to use my arcade controls to navigate the pimame menu?
  • Hi,
    I have the same problem, The HDMI to VGA (monitor) adaptor is not working (7.10 worked fine). By the way, I´m using a Xin Mo interface but it not work with pimame menu :-(. Any ideas?
  • I am also using the Xin Mo, i have just found another blog that says that a usb controller will not work in the main menu without a driver... what a shame. Here is the link anyway:
  • try editing your /boot/config.txt file to force hdmi. Here is a reference for setting it up. http://elinux.org/RPiconfig#Which_values_are_valid_for_my_monitor.3F
  • OK,so i forced the HDMI which gave power to the screen but was still blank. I uncommented the following 3 lines to get it to work:


    uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
  • Thanks for pointing me in the right direction mholgatem ;-)
  • Hello hinchhinch , I mean that it´s the same that if you uncomment the first line:

    # uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode

    My problem is when the pimame menu start... the screen go black. I was thinking that it´s because the resolution menu is so different (perhaphs 1080).

    By the way, I was trying to do same like you:


    But I have the same result. :-( Do you see the pimame menu in a monitor?

  • Hey MRPuckmon, Mine is working normal now, I didn't uncomment the hdmi_mode=1, did you uncomment the:

    uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
  • Also uncommenting safe mode didn't work for me either !
  • u right hinchhinch. The problem.. I was uncomment hdmi_mode=1 . Now I have your configuration and it´s working :-)

    Thanks a lot!
  • Good luck MRPuckmon, if you get a fix to use xin-mo to navigate the PiMame menu, please let me know ;-)
  • Sure, I´m trying to investigate it.
    It´s curious, I have a joystick with one player and it look work .. but I have other with 2 players and only work the "direction right" and the buttons... (no "left direction")
    Now I´m opening both to know what kind of controller is carrying. But this beeter in other post ;-)

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