Help - HDMI Audio fix makes screen go bigger
  • Hi All, new to the pi and linux. building my own arcade cabinet my my pi.
    i have managed to get everything working cruising old forum posts and tutorials, however ive hit a snag.

    I have absolutley no audio when running games.
    The one audio fix i know that works to restore audio also buggers my display size over HDMI
    i edit the config.txt file and do the hdmi_drive_2 thing. but once i reboot my screen resizes (grows) making editing txt files next to impossible for a newb like myself.

    Does anybody know of a fix i can try to make my screen stay at its current size and have audio?

  • did you try:

    sudo raspi-config

    option 8 - advanced options

    option A6 - audio

    option 2 - Force HDMI
  • i will try this tonight after work and let you know!
  • your fix does not exist. sorry bud.
    Option 8 = advanced options.
    optiona a6 = update.
    no audio.

    still back at square one again.
  • fixed... using
    sudo amixer cset numid=3 1
    and a set of computer speakers instead
  • ah, sorry I forgot, you have to update the rasperry pi configuration tool before that option shows up. So you would have to choose the update option, then rerun the tool and audio would be there. But I'm glad that you found an alternative!
  • Marking as solved.

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