DGEN Freeze on logo
  • Hello everyone..
    I have a problem with DGEN, launching every rom, correctly listed and located, DGEN start with blue logo, and freeze on it.
    I need to restart raspberry.. any idea?
    I'm using a fresh installed 0.7.10

  • did you unzip the roms? I had that problem. unzipping them to their .bin format worked for me.
  • @mholgatem
    That's exactly what happened to me. Unzip them to their .gen or .bin format works.

  • Hello,
    thanks for kind reply. Seem to work.
    I have a question: why not use Picodrive, that seem better and fast than Dgen?

    I have found a precompiled version that work well, very fast and smooth also in fullscreen.

    kind regards

  • Thanks for the suggestion, i have added it to the Feature Requests :)

    Thanks again
  • Good!

    In this precompiled version I have only some problem to configure input, but the emulation work very well and also use .zip roms.

  • Cool,
    now i know why my roms didnt work...
    is there maybe something like that with fba roms - cant get them to work at all...
  • I'm not sure, I never really use FBA as much.

    Thanks again
  • nope. fba can be in the .zip format. I have a ton of games for fba but only about half of them actually show up. I haven't gotten around to figuring out why.
  • it really doesnt matter, just was wondering...
    theres enough stuff to play with...
    anyway, thanks...
  • Marked as solved :)


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