jspimenu - joystick based emulator selection menu for pimame (keyboardless)
  • I just knocked this together, heres the README:

    JSPIMENU - Quick and dirty bash based joystick menu for pimame.

    jspimenu was born out of the need to have a keyboardless way to launch emulators on pimame.

    Copy this jspimenu directory to /home/pi/ - jstest binary is hardcoded to /home/pi/jspimenu/jstest

    jstest.c from linuxconsoletools was modified to include a method of getting a one-time
    instantanious button status. The "--one" option to jstest is the addition.
    - usage example: ./jstest --one /dev/input/js0
    - help example: ./jstest --help

    The entire (compiled) source tree is included, as well as the resulting
    jstest binary in this directory.

    The menu logic in jspimenu.sh should be highly self-explanetory - edit it to suit your needs.

    To get jspimenu.sh to launch automatically on pimame, edit /home/pi/.profile and
    put /home/pi/jspimenu/jspimenu.sh before the menu.py line.

    Hopefully this helps someone!
  • oh and another tip for editing your ~/.profile : add a check for $SSH_CONNECTION so that the menu doesnt get launched when you ssh into the rpi. I also have a small sound file getting played back else my projector outputs static on the HDMI input.

    Heres the bottom section of my .profile (sorry about the lack of indentation, this forum removes leading whitespace):

    if [ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then
    echo "SSH Connection detected..."
    # real tty, ie bootup
    sudo xboxdrv --silent --config /home/pi/pimame_files/xboxdrv_mapping.cfg --dbus session &

    # play a short sound to stop hdmi noise with dell projector
    aplay /home/pi/info.wav

    python /home/pi/pimame_files/menu.py
  • hmm... it seems that you could have just edited the existing pimame menu to accept input from your joystick. But thanks for the script for testing ssh connections. I was actually just getting ready to look that up today! Have any good games running on your pi?
  • micro machines for snes !

    I believe someone has already started work on implementing joystick support in pimame's menu.py - I only found that work after i had finished my implementation. Check https://github.com/ssilverm/pimame-menu/commit/97c89d53936a826ddd09c8aee5f2b829bad47b61

  • ah yes, I love micro machines!

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