configuring snes joystick (xbox 360 wireless)
  • I've been trying to figure out how to configure the xbox 360 (wireless) controller.... so far i've have got pretty much nothing to work.

    The dpad always works (up,down,left, right. Start seems to work and back = escape out of the game)
    "Y" button of the xbox controller (X on snes)
    "B" Button of the xbox controller (A on snes)
    and the 2 analog sticks presses have both a keypress....

    I have no idea how to get it to work because pisnes itself doesn't allow joystick configuration (no configuration needed). Other then that i've tried a bunch of different snes9x.cfg file settings but none of them seem to make any difference... what could be the cause that I keep messing up :(

    I would like to get the default snes scheme as it can easily overlap with the xbox 360 controller leaving out 2 shoulder buttons and the analogsticks)

    if anyone can help me out it will really appreciated ;o
  • I feel stupid for bumping but I have yet to resolve this issue :(

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