Complete Noob question...
  • Hello,
    I have finally bought a raspberry pi and would love to try to install pimame. I have been reading the boards but could not find any detail answer....Now here is my question...
    How do I "Flash" pimame onto th SD card? I use a mac and have no idea how or what I need to do to set up the SD card. It doesn't seem to be a simple download, unzip and move to SD card....

    Sorry for such a noob question. Any detail help would be great
  • Use this terminal command:
    sudo dd if=path_of_your_image.img of=/dev/diskn bs=1m
    Just make sure you go to Disk Utility first, then right click on the disk for info to see what diskn is for the SD card (disk3 for example, then you replace n with 3). Now deactive the SD card (do not remove/unmount it!). Then type the command in terminal. I found it a lot easier and better working than all the "GUI" tools.
  • Oh, and make sure you have a 8GB card. 4GB ones are too small.

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