Cannot get the games to show
  • Hey im lost on how to get the games on my pimame to work please help anyone? so i went to the game uploader and put my game (metal slug on my pi in the roms folder where the test game is but when i go to the pi nothing shows i did the same by going to the game uploader but this time i put the file in roms/mame4all subfile and went back to the pi and still nothing.... name is geo by the way
  • So, what probably happened is that that isn't the proper rom name that MAME is looking for. That is about as much as I can tell you because we can't talk about where or how to get rom files.
  • Mr. Google is your best friend... :) MAME4All is running "ROM sets Mame-0.37b5" and AdvanceMAME is running "ROM sets 0.106", the ROM zip file name must retain the correct format. This discussion is also very useful for your reference:
  • With Neo Geo games, you also need neogeo.rom

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