IP Address... how to find
  • Thanks to the help on this board... I was able to flash my SD Card with pimame!!! Yay!! but now i'm stuck on the next process.
    How do I add the roms?

    Reading the direction, it said
    "Go to the IP Address of your Raspberry Pi in a browser and you will be greeted with the PiMAME web page"

    How do I find the IP Address for my Raspberry Pi?

    I am using a Mac and the Raspberry Pi is connected to my router via ethernet cable. When turn on the pi it goes into the Pimame but then I can't figure out how to access or find the IP address to use the web frontend....
    Please help

  • for linux to find the adress of all the computer you have to do :

    nmap -sP is the network adress . you can find it with

  • I'm assuming that you can see the menu, so go into the tools submenu. It usually lists the ip address at the top of the menu.

    Also, the Pi uses dhcp, so if you know the pool your router assigns, you can start at the first address, and work your way up.

    Also, if you have admin access to your router, you should be able to get a list of dhcp clients from it.


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