PiFBA in PiMAME - Convinced it doesn't work
  • I have tried every MAME rom I own, downloaded different NEOGEO roms from all the rom sites, tested everything I possibly can. Nothing shows up in PiFBA for games. Unless there is some settings or additional install that needs to be done I am convinced that the current auto installer or PiMAME doesn't setup PiFBA up correctly.

    I have also deleted PiMAME and installed it a second time. Still no luck.

  • Ok. I am going to do a fresh install and see what happens. Thanks! - Shea
  • strange... mine run straight without any issue. @husar, PM you for the ROM source.
  • I just downloaded roms from the source and same thing. Nothing shows up in fba for me. What file tells PiMAME where to get the FBA roms from? Maybe that is not correct.
  • try this... it might help https://code.google.com/p/pifba/

    fba2x -> Game binary
    fbacapex -> Frontend binary
    fba2x.cfg -> Keyboard and joystick configuration
    rominfo.fba -> required by the frontend
    zipname.fba -> required by the frontend
    preview/ -> screenshots (BMP 384x224)
    roms/ -> ROMs directory (Put your game ROMs in here)
    skin/ -> Frontend skins directory

    FBACache_windows.zip -> for converting large ROMS to .fba cache format
    fba_029671_clrmame_dat.zip -> clrmamepro DAT file for ROM validation and conversion.

    To run piFBA simple run the "fbacapex" executable. At the command line "./fbacapex".

    This runs the GUI frontend. To simply run piFBA without the GUI enter "./fba2x roms/{gamerom}" where "{gamerom}" is the game rom filename to run. A number of options are available for "fba2x", enter "./fba2x" on the command line for a list.

    For the frontend screenshots you need to put the relevant screenshot files in the preview subdirectory. These files should be BMP and 384x224 (non-compressed BMP) dimensions.

    An output file called "output.log" is generated for each game which may show useful information for problem ROMS.
  • Well, after many, many attempts to get fba going I think I finally figured it out. Some how instead of login directories for fba and a few other emulators they were changed to actual directories. Pretty sure this was my issue. Instead of trying to fix this I am starting fresh with a new install. In the process right now so I'll follow up after I am back up and running.

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