[SOLVED] Artwork (bezel) Not Appearing
  • Hi all,

    I would like to have a bezel appear while playing a game. Unfortunately I'm having a difficult time getting it to work and was hoping someone here could shed some light on what I'm doing wrong.

    Here is what I've done so far:
    1. Flash 4 GB SD card with PiMAME 0.6 Beta5
    2. Put the card in my 512 B RPi (attached to an HD monitor via HDMI) and supplied power
    3. Entered raspi-config and did the following:
    a. overclocked to 800 Mhz
    b. expanded the file system
    4. Rebooted
    5. Exited PiMAME menu and started desktop GUI with "starts"
    6. Downloaded "robotron.zip" from http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_ingame.php?p=12 to a USB thumb drive on my Mac. This is the LAY version of the artwork package.
    7. Mounted the thumb drive on the RPi and copied robotron.zip to ~/.advance/artwork
    8. Edited and saved ~/.advance/advmame.rc to make the following lines read as such:
    display_artwork_backdrop yes
    display_artwork_bezel yes
    display_artwork_crop yes
    display_artwork_overlay yes
    9. From terminal: sudo reboot

    After rebooting and launching MAME, Robotron played as expected, but no bezel overlay appeared.

    I then found this thread with a potential solution:

    So I downloaded "robotron.zip" from this page:
    Which is the ART version and according to the site is compatible with MAME 0.106 (which PiMAME is running) or earlier.

    I deleted the LAY version of robotron.zip from ~/.advance/artwork and replaced it with the ART version.

    After rebooting and launching MAME, I navigated to Robotron without an issue, but when I selected it to play, the RPi crashed, showing just an all-black screen.

    I'm stuck. Any ideas?

    Thanks for the help!
  • Turns out this was already solved by Lang on Shea's blog:

    Here are the relevant bits with full credit and gratitude to Lang:
    /boot/config.txt only has the following video settings configured

    w.r.t advmame.rc, I made a lot of tweaks. The ones I think might have sealed the deal were limiting the colour output:

    #I set all to no except bgr16
    device_color_bgr15 no
    device_color_bgr16 yes
    device_color_bgr24 no
    device_color_bgr32 no
    device_color_bgr8 no
    device_color_palette8 no
    device_color_yuy2 no

    Rest of the video-related settings are provided:
    #Here are the artwork-specific settings:
    display_antialias yes
    display_artwork_backdrop yes
    display_artwork_bezel yes
    display_artwork_crop no
    display_artwork_overlay yes

    #Here are the other video settings
    display_aspectx 4
    display_aspecty 3
    display_beam 1
    display_brightness 1
    display_buffer no
    display_color auto
    display_expand 1
    display_flicker 0
    display_flipx no
    display_flipy no
    display_frameskip auto
    display_gamma 1
    display_intensity 1.5
    display_interlaceeffect none
    display_magnify 1
    display_mode auto
    display_pausebrightness 1
    display_resize mixed
    display_resizeeffect none
    display_restore yes
    display_rgbeffect none
    display_rol no
    display_ror no
    display_scanlines no
    display_skipcolumns auto
    display_skiplines auto
    display_translucency yes
    display_vsync yes

    #recommended (generic) clock settings for HDMI
    device_video_clock 5 – 50 / 15.62 / 50 ; 5 – 50 / 15.73 / 60
  • Glad it helped!

    -Lang (aka FortyRock)

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