invalid rom names
  • I am finding that different emulators have different naming rules. It appears that AdvMESS does not allow spaces in the ROM titles. Are the emulators that are used open source? If so, I could possibly help fix some of these types of issues. I would much rather fix the issue rather than have to rename all of my NES roms. I already have to unzip them and pull out the correct one in order to get it to work, having to rename them as well is already becoming too tedious!

    So far, it seems that the other emulators are able to handle spaces and some special characters just fine, but I can only vouch for GBA and SNES so far. And since the FBA and MAME ROMs are all already named without spaces, there are no problems there.
  • Alright, so I found where I can get the MESS source code (and accompanying MAME source code), but I haven't yet found AdvMESS specifically. Also, what version of AdvMESS is used in PiPlay? Or is the file name fix something that I should just request a fix for?? Thanks!
  • There is a fix for the NES, it's actually in the pimame code (it should be coming out in the next beta, but if you can't wait, it's easy to fix yourself). You need to open the file /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/pmmenu/ Then you need to find the function get_rom_list() There are three sections that each start with
    'command': self.command + (etc)
    you need to add quotation marks to each of them so that they read
    'command': self.command + ' \"' +  os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] + '\"' 

    'command': self.command + ' \"' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[1] + '\"'


    'command': self.command + ' \"' + self.roms + f +'\"'

    This will cause them to call the emulators with with quotations surrounding the rom name and spaces shouldn't matter.
  • Excellent, that looks exactly like what I was looking for! Thanks! On a side note, relating to next beta, is there a way to update from one version to the next, or do you just have to reflash an SD card with the new OS each version?? I'm hoping to avoid having to repeat all of the config, etc., so hoping there is an easy way to upgrade when a new version comes out!
  • That's a good question, I haven't used the upgrade script yet, so I'm not sure if it just overwrites everything or what. Hopefully @SSilver2k2, @zachberry, or @Conno123009 can comment on this.
  • Also, your fix to the Python script worked like a charm! I've got my Pi all set up, now I'm just waiting for parts to throw it in a cabinet :) thanks everyone for all of their hard work getting PiPlay to the masses!

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