So, I've had a Pi for a while now, and i played with it a bit when i got it, then it ended up sitting in my drawer in a box for a while. Well, now I want to start using it again, but i know pretty much nothing about it. I was planning on using PiPlay so I could play all those amazing games of old, but I have know Idea how to work it. I have a couple Roms i want to use, but I can't figure out how to put them to use. I know there's the uploading server, but i don't know My IP and I don't know how to get to the terminal to find out. I really don't want to have to flash to another OS just to get to the terminal, so here are my questions: How do you get to the terminal using PiPlay, and Is there any way to add roms manually without the whole upload server bit?
Sorry I'm being stupid at this, never really had much experience. Thanks for any help.
In piplay version .8.3 you can just press escape and you will go to the command line. from there, if you type 'exit' it will take you back to the piplay menu. In the upper right hand corner of the piplay menu, you should see your ip address. If you don't, you can exit to command line (esc key) and then type 'ifconfig'. That should list your ip address. You can also access your router through your web browser by typing in it's ip address (generally,,, or with some routers just type in router/) There should be a category called something like 'connected devices' it will list everything that is connected to your router.
As far as adding roms, the best method is to install filezilla (its free, just google). once installed, you just need to add your host (that is your raspberry pi IP), username should be pi, and password should be raspberry. It will show you all of the the files on your pi, Just go to /home/pi/roms and then drop your roms in the correct folder. Easy peasy. If you have just a couple of roms to install, then you can also type your ip address into a browser. your pi is running a local webpage. the password and login are the same, then you just upload via the webpage.
I like the tip of using FTP directly from the Windows Explorer. Nice. I have just been using Filezilla since I can't get the web page uploads to work for some reason, but I think I will just use Windows now.