Does anyone know of a way to hide the pi “background” that appears when selecting a game from advmenu before advmame starts the game? I have looked through the advmenu options but the nearest I can find is misc_quiet which just prevents the advmame startup info being displayed.
At the moment you get the raspberry pi boot up text, or whatever commands I was messing with before I started up mame. (I have taken out the menu and go straight into advmame). I have put a "clear" in the .profile before calling advmame and this works for the initial bootup but obviously not afterwards, especially if some games give errors to screen.
Off the top of my head, would that work with the second "advmame" there? I thought that specifies the type of emulator.
Try specifying "generic" and then putting the full path to the clear command and the advmame executable. (I'd try it myself first but my pi is not accessible right now)
I have one more idea, but this will cause the entire console to be blank after bootup. nano ~/.bash_profile then add these two lines: setterm -term linux -background black setterm -term linux -clear
Everything displayed in the console should now be black / invisible.
I need to give it some thought whether I will ever need to get to the console again. I suppose I could have a shell script that turns it on again and blindly run this if I need to.
I achieved a similar effect before I used PiMame (Just advmenu and advmame) by using this in .profile: clear tput civis advmenu &> /dev/null tput cnorm