Buttons not being detected with PiPlay. Help?
  • So I'm following the Adafruit Raspberry Pi arcade tutorial (https://learn.adafruit.com/retro-gaming-with-raspberry-pi/buttons) without too much trouble, but when it finally comes down to testing the buttons it doesn't work. I decided to start off simple and just get a single button to work, but I still have nothing. The worst part is that I don't know how to figure out where I've gone wrong, is it a problem with the code or with the connection of the button? I've gotten no errors in any of the code, I remapped it to the retrogame.c file fine, however once I did the part where you have to test Retrogame (sudo ./retrogame)... nothing happens. I don't know if that's supposed to happen or not because Adafruit just says "If it seems to be working"... Helpful!

    I'm not sure what else to tell you and I'm not sure how you can help me, but if you have any basic tips, that would help. Also if you could tell me what I'm supposed to see when I run the "retrogame" program it would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    TLDR remapped my one button on the file they have me download, but nothing happens when I try to actually use it on the emulator.
  • ok, first off. After you made your changes to retrogame.c, did you compile the code (i.e. - type make in the retrogame folder)? Assuming that you did that, when you type sudo ./retrogame and then press your button, it should give you a keyboard press equivalent of whatever you mapped your button to. (if you mapped your button to 'C' it should output 'c', if you mapped an arrow key or something, it will give you some funky output, but you'll know that it's working.) If nothing happens, then there is either some problem with your modifications to the code or some problem with your connections.

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