RAW Joystick/gamepad input in mame4all?
  • I have a GPWiz-40 encoder, to which I have attached 15 micro-switch buttons, and two "joysticks" each composed of four micro-switches, and wired in as an additional 16 buttons (total of 31). Only the first 17 of these were working in Advmame or mame4all on my Pi, yet all worked perfectly when using gmameui on my laptop. I eventually found that I could solve this problem in Advmame by seting "device_joystick auto" to "device_joystick raw" in the advmame.rc file. This allowed me to use all 31 inputs that I had wired in, without any issue. However, I am finding Advmame to run just a bit too slowly, and would prefer to use mame4all. But, I cannot find where to set the joystick input to "raw" in order to allow mame4all to function. Any ideas?

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