Xin-Mo vs GPIO (Latency Q's)
  • Hello all!

    First time poster, kickstarter backer here.

    I have been working on my case for my PiPlay for the past couple months and it is now time for we to wire it all up. This is my second build and I have moved to an RPi B+ from my older one for better layout in my case.

    My question is, has anyone seen any significant latency differences between attaching joysticks and buttons to the RPi through a Xin-Mo encoder vs wiring straight to the GPIO?

    Thank you for any input.

  • There isn't a big difference between the two, but I would stick with gpio for compatibility reasons. While we have worked xin-mo compatibilty into most of the current emulators, who knows what may come down the line?
  • Not to mention GPIO being cheaper ;)
  • i have two builds. one with xin mo and one with GPIO on B+.
    probably theres no lag on both of them, but GPIO is cheaper and more pratical.

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