PiPLay works for a while, then starts saying that files are missing
  • This may be a known issue, but I'm on the verge of giving up on Piplay as the basis of a retro-arcade.

    Here are my details:
    I have a Raspberry Pi B+
    I made the bootable SD-card (32GB) using the Piplay image.
    I put my Raspberry Pi in turbo mode.
    I ran it, and installed a bunch of ROMS from my MAME collection. I updated Piplay afterwards.
    I played a bunch of the games, and set up the controls. I am using AdvMame, as opposed to MAMEforAll.

    Everything worked fine, until...

    Suddenly, running any game -- even ones that worked just fine moments earlier -- started reporting that files were missing, and it would just go right back to the piplay main menu.

    Rebooting does nothing. Updating does nothing. the only thing that works is re-writing the piplay image on the sd card, and re-installing the roms again, but then we're back to where we started, as it will eventually revert to telling me that files are missing.

    Any ideas?
  • I would venture to guess that your sd card is going bad.

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