PiPlay ISO image to SD card 8GB
  • I want some help getting started. I have an SD card. I'm on Ubuntu 14.
    - For RaspBian I just extracted all the files to the SD card. Is that what I need to do here?
    - If I format the SD card, then does it need to be NTFS, EXT4, or something else?
    - What software do you recommend for "burning" the ISO to the SD card?
  • Here's a great guide with software suggestions for Windows, MAC and Linux.

    RPi Easy SD Card Setup:
  • an 8GB SD card is like less than $10. I don't see the big deal.. if you squeezed it on a 4GB card, that wouldn't leave much room for any games/images/videos/etc.
  • Shea is on vacation this week. I'm not sure what process he uses to create the images, but I think that he may have just forgotten to remove the unused space when writing the card.
  • You could always just use the .8.4.0 image and then use the updater as well.
  • I don't think that he has gotten that up and running yet.
  • Hey, that's great! It could come in real handy for anyone that wanted to use NOOBS to select between PiPLAY and XBMC.
  • So the installer for PiPlay is available here:


    Just download that, and on the command line run "bash installer.sh"

    It will install everything.

    The reason it's 8GB right now is because that's what the PiPLAY Kickstarter image is set too.

    I'll make a new image soon that's smaller.
  • I purchased a 16gb SD card for the raspberry pi. Upon using Win32 Disk Imager for installation, my card was only showing 8gb used when booting into the pi.

    I'm going to attempt to increase the card size to 16gb to hold my ROMS. Would using raspi-config be considered the optimum method to achieve this?
  • @willcap - yes. Use the utility in raspi-config.

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