  • My front end about Monkey Island

    Front end + marquee
  • Nice! that is really great! I might have to steal that for my next build :)
  • Thank you mholgatem, I'm glad you like it. I will upload it to Github.

  • Hello again, Ive decided to venture into the world of customizing the default menu itself and give it a Tron look(no where near finished) im trying to add a background image to the menu by adding a line into the config.yaml file that reads:
    background_image: "background.jpg" similar to your tron config posted earlier in this thread. It unfortunately did not display anything. Any pointers? Also I changed the file to one with audio but the audio does not play is that because sound drivers aren't up at that point of the boot cycle? Thanks for your help.
  • I haven't messed with the boot video since .7.10, but that would be my guess. If you could get your audio drivers to load earlier, you should be able to get sound.

    Now, as far as customizing.. If you want to make a custom theme, you are going to need to download the current git repository located here:

    unzip the files inside and copy them into your pimame/pimame-menu folder. Under pimame/pimame-menu/themes, you will see 3 different folders (default, default-h, and tron). Each folder represents a different theme. To specify a theme, you need to edit your config.yaml file and just set "theme_pack:" to the name of the theme folder that you want to use.

    Inside each of the theme folders, there is now a file called 'theme.yaml'. This is where you will specify all of the elements of your theme. I recommend looking through the default theme to get an idea of what everything does, then go through default-h (horizontal rom-list) and tron to see some more advance techniques.
  • Ill give it a whirl, thank you.
  • Got the themes going. Thank you. The audio piece is above my pay grade with my Linux skills. Ill keep looking on the web on that.
    Is there a way to clear the command line screen prior to exiting from the themed menu so as to give a cleaner experience, but still see if any errors pop up? Currently the default theme from the is giving some errors and I think it would be good to know about those but if for instance I just finished running raspi-config or something else prior to launching the menu we would still see the CLI entries. This is obviously purely esthetics and not really that important.
  • The clear command will clear the screen. I could insert it into the menu so that whenever it exits or runs a new program, it clears the screen first.
  • I'm guessing that you are referring to the error that goes something like "can't load: themes/default/"?

    If that is the error that you are referring to, don't worry about it. That is just a warning thrown when calling my load_image function without a valid image file. With the default theme, there are several areas where you could specify images, but are left blank.
  • Figured out the splash screen audio issue. Simply go to /etc/init.d/asplashscreen and edit the omxplayer entry with: omxplayer -o local -b /home/pi/pimame/ where -0 local implies pass the audio through the standard audio jack or change it to HDMI to pass i through HDMI. -b simply blanks the video background so you cant see text around the edges of the video.

    mholgatem - yes that is the error messages i was referring to.

    One more question is advmame supposed to be able use artwork such as the bezel and not just the boxart?
  • In theory, you can have the bezel display (it is an option in the advmame config file) but I have never tried it as I find the bezels to be kind of cheezy :)
  • mholgatem you have the arts of Monkey Island?
    I could use?
  • I don't, unfortunately.

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