Quit mame4all and go back to piplay using joystick
  • Hey. Just got the latest version up and running (sorted out the rom shortcut stuff not working by editing the piplay config to point to where I want it for the emulators I want


    Is there any way to quit from mame4all and get back to the piplay menu without a keyboard?
    the mame4all readme, says "start and select"...but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me....I'm using the xin-mo thing.

    Have mapped IU_Cancel to me a button combo, which works for quitting a game back to the mame4all menu (I'm using the mame4all rom browser rather than the piplay one btw, as I like seeing the full names rather than a list of zip files)
    But UI_Caqncel will only get me back to the mame4all romlist, and not back to piplay

    Not sure if I have made my question clear...but hopefully someone knows what I am prattling on about

    any ideas?
  • No worries actually.. got it sorted.
    in the mame.cfg file there is a section for that start and select in the mame gui are mapped to. Just changed them to be 2 buttons I had connected, and it works a charm now.
  • I have the same problem. How do you get it?

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