[UNOFFICIAL] [DEPRECATED] Additional Emulators Install Script. Install 5 new emulators!
  • Hello everyone,
    I present top you my simple install script which will install the following emulators in PiPLAY


    Fuse - ZX Spectrum
    OsmOse - Gamegear and Master System
    Picodrive - Genesis (No fullscreen support)
    rpix86 - DOSBOX x86 Emulator
    OpenMSX - MSX Emulator
    A long with that, it will also edit the PiPLAY menu config to add the new emulators. (It will also back up your old config file)
    It also adds the icons to the menu and makes new rom folders.


    To install these emulators, just press ESC at the PiPLAY menu to exit to command line and type the following, pressing enter after each line:
    wget -O emulators.sh https://db.tt/rbkDuGqZ
    chmod +x emulators.sh

    To install 'Simple Version' which does not include OsmOse or Picodrive type:
    wget -O emulators.sh https://db.tt/rlicVrA4
    chmod +x emulators.sh

    The only difference between the two is Simple version doesn't include Picodrive or OsmOse which don't work too well.


    Please read the script before installing.
    The script may run into problems. Please report them here!
    You will need an internet connection on your Pi. The total download is less than 25mb.
    I have kept DGEN in the menu, next to Picodrive. You can remove one or the other if you want.
    Fullscreen in Picodrive won't work. Fullscreen in Fuse can be enabled by pressing F1 and going to options.
    Joysticks will work in some emulators, or they will not.
    I'm not expecting this to be added to PiPLAY. Okay, maybe Fuse and rpix86 could be added. And OsmOse if it works :/
    Please leave feedback, suggestions, reviews or a box of chocolates!


    Fuse: Works, running fuse-sdl. Turn on fullscreen in Fuse options (F1)
    OsmOse: Works, parameters for fullscreen and controls must be after rom name. Thus a slight edit to pimame-menu will be required to properly implement it. Will work well from command line.
    Picodrive: Works, very fast, but lacks fullscreen support. (Nothing I can do really unless you want to use the retroarch core version instead.)
    rpix86: Works like a charm, will download 4DOS.COM upon first run
    OpenMSX: Works, haven't tested ROMs yet though.


    This script is still in alpha, many things won't work. It has been tested, but some emulators haven't. I cannot provide much support for these emulators. It is an unofficial script, so please don't expect Shea to help you when something isn't working, he's doing enough as it is :) I do not own PiPLAY nor am I responsible for breaking your Raspberry Pi, your keyboard, your monitor or your washing machine. But if I do, sorry about that... Are you actually reading this?

    Check out my blog!

  • Thanks for sharing this Conno123009.
  • Hope you like it :D
  • most excellent! does picodrive support 32x and sega cd?
  • so i was giving it a go, and i got a couple errors:

    ./emulators.sh: line 1: --2014-04-26: command not found
    ./emulators.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token '('
    ./emulators.sh: line 2: 'resolving db.tt (db.tt)...,'

    any idea how i should proceed?
  • Weird... What version are you running? Simple or Complete?
    I'm confused... It's resolving db.tt (Short dropbox url) inside the script, but all the links are full/long urls.
    wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/89017432/piplay-emulators.sh
    chmod +x piplay-emulators.sh

    Sorry about that.
  • I think Picodrive supports them but you need a BIOS image.
  • i'll give the new one a shot! no worries thanks for your work! i was doing the complete btw.

    i'll report back with results
  • Thanks and good luck :D
  • everything built great! i'll test out some roms here in a bit! thanks dood!
  • Awesome! Glad it worked! Enjoy :D
  • errors i ran into:

    ran rpix86, and i got:

    sh: 1: home/pi/emulators/rpix86/rpix86: not found

    ran osmose, and got:

    sh: 1: home/pi/emulators/osmose/osmose: not found

    ran openMSX, got:

    Fatal error: Error parsing comand line: /home/pi/pimame/roms/msx/Aleste (1988) (compile) (J) .mx2
    Use "openmsx -h" to see a list of available options

    ran picodrive, got:

    sh: 1: home/pi/emulators/picodrive/PicoDrive: not found

    now upon looking in the pi/pimame/emulators/rpix86, i actually found the folders for osmose and picodrive, and none of the files for rpix86. and at one point i got a error when running OpenMSX that it couldnt find the C-Bios_MSX2+, though i found it exactly where the error told me it couldnt find it (in .openMSX/persistent/C-Bios_MSX2+/untitled1/

    EDIT: looks like with MSX its picky about the roms, so those errors are specific to the rom set, not the emulator setup. i was able to run a few games, its a bit choppy, but i haven't messed with settings yet, so its currently all 'default' settings

    those are my findings, hope it helps! lemme know if i can do anything on my end
  • if i redirect to the folder where they landed, both osmose and picodrive work great! picodrive seems to be in fullscreen as well. now i just gotta figure out where to drop the bios in picodrive.

    also, i cant seem to find the executable for rpix86
  • Weird, I'll have a go tommorow. Thanks heaps! Sorry for the trouble!
  • ive been messing with rpix86 a bit. so you think its possible to make a custom xml that will list executibles in the menu and have them launch from the menu? or is it impossible? it seems like to some degree it still needs the dos emulated environment.

    i'm trying to set it up to play selected titles on a arcade ;)
  • Not sure really. I don't know how but it may be possible. You never know ;)
  • hey Conno, i keep getting that same error with the osmose.sh
    (from this discussion: http://pimame.org/forum/discussion/871/got-gamegear-emulator-running-osmose#Item_18 , but i thought this was the more appropriate place to log errors ;)

    anyway, i'm not sure if this is useful, but would SDL 1.2 with dispmanx backend help osmose and picodrive run at full screen without having to write special scripts?

    here's a thread about it:


  • Possibly, I looks really good ;)
    Thanks for finding it!

    BTW did you chmod +x the osmose.sh?
  • no, i dont think so. is that for setting permissions? you'll have to forgive me i'm still learning ;) hehe
  • That's alright ;)
    chmod +x osmose.sh
    to make the file executable.
    Then try running it again. Good luck!
  • ok, did that but got the same error messages.

    as well as:

    OsmOse 0.8.1+rpi20121122 build on Nov 22 2012 at 20:07:21 written by Bruno Vedder
    Unable to open (U).gg zip archive (thought i can see this was brought on by the extension of the rom)

    if i take away the extension, then it will function, but still not at fullscreen
  • Hi.

    Thanks for creating this.
    I've been busy so not been around for a bit. I got an original 1980's Sinclair Spectrum thenother day but it does not work, so been trying to get Fuse running. I compiled SDK version but it freezes when selecting a game? Any ideas?

    Anyway I saw your script so thought I would try that. I downloaded latest Piplay then updated it through Piplay menu, then rebooted and install your script. It installed fine, it did ask me about updating rpix86 emulator which I said Yes to.
    When I rebooted Piplay came up with an error, something about the menu. I will try later reinstalling latest Piplay 0.8v3 but not updating it and the install your script.

    Could you tell me where Fuse is instralled , then if it fails again least I can dir to the directory and try running it directly.

  • Conno123009 - I have spent some hours on this now.

    If I install Piplay v0.8 B3 then your script, then update Piplay everything works ok.

    On your script can you add this to FUSE:

    sudo apt-get install spectrum-roms

  • @Higgy69
    I have added it to the install scripts!
    Thank you heaps for the feedback :D
    Also, try running fuse manually with: fuse-sdl

    Good luck
  • @Conno123009
    I reinstalled and the extra line is working on Fuse.
    If you exit Fuse then you don't go back to the PiPlay menu, it dumps you in CMD (I also got this in MAME4ALL when the game I was testing did not have the correct files in the zip!).

    It is a shame that when using composite video you cannot have the screen 'full screen', you can only get a small screen?!
    Most nice and old 4:3 TV/screens have a way of accepting composite but not HDMI.
  • @Conno123009 did you ever get PicoDrive fullscreen working?
  • @Conno123009 : did you try my picodrive version... i have fullscreen with aspect ration of course. Picodrive runs some roms that Dgen won't and whithout "main menu" it works with composite output as DGEN won't too.
  • @ian57 I used your fork but it doesn't open in fullscreen - picoDrive in general seems to be lacking in documentation so maybe I'm missing something. I pretty much just cloned your repo and ran the PicoDrive binary.
  • Be careful there 2 binaries... one withe the menu (Picodrive) and one without ;) PicoDriveOneRom very usefull with EmulationStation.
    Can you post a screenshot to see what happen?
  • I don't see any binary named PicoDriveOneRom.
  • Ok it's here https://github.com/ian57/Raspicade-configuration-files/tree/master/PicoDrive

    I've got one github for each emu/prog and a global one to update quickly my distribution with update...
    a simple git pull from the home directory (https://github.com/ian57/Raspicade-configuration-files/blob/master/raspicade_update.sh) and a bash script for updates see https://github.com/ian57/Raspicade-configuration-files/blob/master/Upgrade.sh and that's all ;)

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