ANNOUNCEMENT: PiMAME is now PiPLAY (why inside)
  • Hey All,

    As you can probably see, PiMAME has been re-branded as PiPLAY. I wanted to let everyone know why and what this effects.

    What this effects? Nothing. PiPLAY is the same code base and same distro it always has been, it just has a new name.

    Why? Two reasons. I've wanted to change the name for a while, since PiMAME outgrew just being MAME a long time ago. When I started the PiMAME kickstarter, I received a very nice letter from the MAMEDev team informing me that I might be breaking trademark(s) or licenses because I am charging for the software (the pre-loaded sd card)

    I have nothing but respect for the MAMEDev team, and this was the motivation I needed to change the name. After I changed the name I received a followup from them thanking me for the change, and congratulating me on my kickstarter.

    The MAMEDev team is happy, I'm happy, and the project stays awesome.

    Now back to coding :D

  • Good to hear Shea. You'll have to get some PiPLAY stickers now ;-)
  • So, I own, and I'm going to be keep both running and pointing to the same content.

    At some point the repos will change, but not for a while and I will give ample notice.
  • Shea, something has attracted the spam bots. Either your kickstarter campaign or registering the new domain most likely. Can we implement a captcha for new posts?
  • Piplay(dot)org doesn't appear to work. Just goes to the godaddy placeholder.
  • piplay(dot)org seems to work fine for me, just redirects to pimame(dot)org..
  • Now it works! Guess he must have updated it since
  • yeah, it depends on what part of the world you are accessing from as well. It takes a while for the changes to propagate through to all of the top level DNS's. But it seems like it forwards nicely now.

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