[SOLVED] Real Arcade Pro Stick working... sort of
  • I am not a programmer at all or even used to linux but I got PiMAME up and running fairly easily. I found instructions on how to add a joystick and config and test it and got my Real Arcade Pro working. What I liked about the NES emulator was that I was able to hit "Tab" and enter the menu where I could simply arrow down and hit enter on, let's say, "up" and then just tap up on my joystick and it would change the assignment. I quickly did this for "up, down, left, right, B, A, select and start". Viola, NES controls are done! Now I want to do the same for the SNES emulator... I'm stuck. I have searched quite a bit and although I thought it would be easy to find.. I am stuck. I can assign the buttons inside some games but not the axes. My X axis is okay but the Y axis will not respond. I believe the default for X,Y is 0,1 and my stick responded on 4,5 I think when testing if that helps. I'm sure I will run into this same issue with all of the other emulators as well, it's just that I started with NES and moved to SNES. I haven't even loaded any ROMs in any other emulators.
    Thanks for any help!
  • I finally got it working... SOLVED
  • Could you tell us what you did to solve it.

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