noob, advice please
  • Hi guys, I've not got a Pi yet, but I'm tempted, I have a couple of questions about PiMAME first...
    1) once configured, I won't be plugging a keyboard in as i won't have the room, will this affect anything? (Can everything be controlled with a joypad?)
    2) will I be able to configure the buttons for 2 USB joypads?
    3) which version of MAME ROMs does the emulator use?
    4) which emulators are included? The first page lists a few but then the quick start page only mentions 3
    Apologies if these are already answered elsewhere, I've looked around the site on my phone but cannot find the answers to these, thanks
  • @mmace Welcome to the world of PiMAME and Raspberry Pi's!
    Here you go:
    1) Joystick support is being worked on, I'm not sure which joystick is best though.
    2) Buttons are configurable in most emulators and the main menu button support is being worked on.
    3) Mame4all: 0.37b5 and ADVMAME: 0.106
    4) All the emulators are listed on the PiMAME site:
    There are 2 MAME emulators, a genesis, commodore 64, nes, SNES, gameboy, cps 1/2, neogeo, PlayStation, Gameboy, gameboy advance, Atari 2600 and scummvm!

  • Cheers conno, much appreciated. By joystick support being worked on, is that for the main menu or actually in the games?
  • a little of both. If you go waaay off market, you may have some problems getting your controllers working, but I've tried a handful of different ones, and most have worked right away for me. Some require a little more tweaking/drivers than others though.

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