0.8 pimame menu navigation help
  • I am using Adafruit-Retrogame to configure my joystick, Fire, Alt Fire, Coin, Esc, Player 1 and Player 2 buttons. When I start pimame with the new menu I see the standard 7 tiles or buttons, and I can navigate between them using the joystick.

    My problem is that to select "Mame4All" I have to use the "Enter" key of the keyboard, and then use the "Enter" key again to select my game from the file list. Is there anyway to tell the menu to use the "Fire" button instead of the "Enter" button to select options?

    Thank you,

  • Do you know what the Fire key is mapped too? I'm working on adding button mapping to the config.yaml
  • Sorry, for not being more clear. I followed the instructions outlined in the link below, and mapped GPIO23 to "Left Control", and it works great inside of Mame4All.


    Thank you for all you do with this site!


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