Audio at Startup, but not Game
  • I am working on my final configuration. The audio was working correctly with the tv I was using for testing. I found the tv I will be using as part of my final build. I have a movie play during startup and the audio sounds correct. When I load a game in mame4all the only thing I hear is a low hum. I am using the HDMI connection without any converters.

    Why does the startup video sound ok, but not the games? Why did it work on one tv and not another?

    Thank you for all of your help!
  • I tried the update listed in this thread, but still the same issue
  • If you are getting audio at the startup, but not in the game, then it would probably be a configuration file that needs to be fixed. can you post your config file for mame4all?
  • mholgatem - Thank you for your help. I will send that to you, but right now I am trouble-shooting a problem I am having with the menu (0.7)

    I can navigate up and down through the startup menu, but I can't select an option. My keyboard does not do anything, and none of the keys that I have mapped using the gpio (fire, alt fire, coin, p1, p2 & esc) do not active the selection. Very Odd! This all was working the other day.

    Thanks again

  • The problem was "force_stereo" was set to no, I changed it to "yes" and problem is fixed. Thank you again!
  • Great! Marking as solved.

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