Nintendo 64 Emulator
  • I know that the emulator is still in alpha, but I cannot get to run any ROMs whatsoever. I've tried a few different games and it will briefly show a black screen with letters that I can't read and then it goes back to the menu. Is there anything I'm missing? Thanks.
  • I have had success with this emulator only when running it directly from the command line in conjunction with the rom that I want to run. You can try that.
  • I'm really new to this stuff, so how would I do that exactly?
  • for me, I have to navigate to /home/pi/emulators/mupen64plus-rpi/test/ then type:
    sudo ./mupen64plus /path/to/rom.z64
    for example (after navigating to /home/pi/emulators/mupen64plus-rpi/test/) I type:
    sudo ./mupen64plus /usb-drive/roms/n64/Mario\ Kart\ 64.z64
  • Thanks a lot! I'll have to try that.
  • I tried it and it doesn't work. My ROMs are all .zips, does that matter? Also, and I'm really sorry if I am being a pain, but how exactly does the syntax work for the file name?
  • Unzip them, that should work. With the file name use backslash (\) in front of spaces.

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