Xbox 360 pad controls
  • Hello,

    I recently installed my new PiMame on my Pi, it works perfectly fine, i can play Breath of fire 3 on PS1 but i'm facing some trouble. The PiMame have the xboxdrv which allow us use our Xbox 360 PAD. It works on the menu (i can use it to scroll and go into different interfaces) but when i launch a game, my controls are completly broken. I tried to assign correct keys with the Controls menu but not all of my input of my pad are detected. I can't assign the L1, R2 and the square button. Which leads to this situation, when i want to go down with the pad, it open the ingame menu....
    Can anyone help me to configure / assist the correct controls ?

    Thanks :)
  • Hello,

    I finally figured out how to modify the controls and apply the good one !
    I'm going to make a small tuto if anyone read it and need it :

    1 - Plug a keyboard to your Raspberry, boot your piMame.
    2 - Go to command line and type : cd
    3 - Now type cd pimame_files
    4 - If you do an "ls" (without the ") you will see a file called xboxdrv_... make a copy of this by doing this : cp xboxdrv.[the rest of the file] [name of the save, usually not the same !]. It will look like that : cp xboxdrv[..] xboxsave
    5 - Now do a : nano xboxdrv[...]
    6 - Edit the files following this :

    ## my xboxdrv settings for
    ## pcsx rearmed (default settings)

    silent = true
    quiet = true
    detach-kernel-driver = true

    deadzone = 6000
    dpad-as-button = true
    trigger-as-button = true

    start = KEY_V
    back = KEY_C
    guide = KEY_ESC

    a = KEY_Z
    b = KEY_X
    x = KEY_S
    y = KEY_D

    lb = KEY_W
    rb = KEY_R

    ## trigger-as-button
    lt = KEY_E
    rt = KEY_T

    ## dpad-as-button
    dl = KEY_LEFT
    dr = KEY_RIGHT
    du = KEY_UP
    dd = KEY_DOWN

    You don't have to follow it at 100%, but this give you the ability to navigate through the pimame menu with your controller and play the game with the corrects controls. Don't forget to save your file !
    Now reboot your Raspberry, plug your Xbox 360 PAD and have fun !
  • Kamigaku,

    Thanks for the detailed info. I just got Pimame running on my pi and everything has been a rather smooth process. I finally got a used 360 controller and am eager to try out these settings but wanted to clarify some things here before I jump in the deep end.

    I am assuming that I will need to configure the controller independently for each emulator to use the controller correctly much like you have done here for pcsx rearmed emulator. can I do this by copying the file and renaming it for each emulator? or is this unnecessary? and which directory does each file need to be in order for each emulator to use it?

  • Hello,

    Actually i don't think.
    I pick up this code on an other post and i just forgot to remove the comment about pcsx. Since the files is inside the folder "pimame_files" and not for example "pcsx_files", i think it works on every emulators.
    Just to give another advice, i posted it but tried it more deeply after, i think putting KEY_ENTER for the select is more smarter. With this conf, you can navigate through the pimame menus (the pad moves up and down and with the select button you acces to another folder). But the problem is when you are the PCSX emulators window, the SELECT doesn't do anything but when you plug a keyboard and press enter, you can enter something.
    So in my opinion, since the "SELECT" button is pretty much never used in any games, just put it to KEY_ENTER.

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