What roms for PiMame
  • Hello,

    I recently installed PiMame on my Raspberry and it perfectly work but i have some questions. I want to use Roms for PS1 and SNES but i don't know what are the files extensions of the file i have to put inside my Raspberry (i tried to get one Roms from a website and i got a .bin.ecm (ps1 rom) and a .smc (snes rom). Are they good or what ?
    Another question, should SNES roms be in /roms or /snes/roms ?

    Thanks for your help :D
  • snes files should go in the /roms/snes folder. they can be either .smc or .zip files.

    PCSX is good at recognizing files but .bin works.
  • Yay, thanks :)
    Another question, where can i configure my Xbox 360 controls ?

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