Re-purposing lighttpd on my PiMame box
  • Hi y'all,
    This is a little off-topic... I have PiMame setup on my RaspPi Model B and love it. (Thanks a ton, Shea!) No problems there.

    I want to use my Pi for other things though too, and that's where my question comes in. I've figured out that the Pi's "Home" page for uploading ROMs runs through the lighttpd daemon and that it is looking in /var/www for its files.

    Does it make the most sense for me to just add my files to the same place? I found recently that when I updated PiMame, I lost all my custom HTML files, of course. I suppose I can just back them up (from now on) and restore them after each PiMame update, but that seems a pain.

    Does anyone else do anything like this and have a more clever solution to the problem of sharing lighttpd with PiMame?

    Thanks mucho.
  • So, for the next release I was thinking of doing away with lighthttpd and having my new web frontend run as a python program in the background.

    What are your thoughts to leaving the webserver in?

    Oh, and I'm sorry about you losing the files. When it updates, it recopies the whole www directory. I will probably change that.
  • Hey Shea, thanks for the reply. I was hoping to hear if anyone was doing something similar with re-purposing the we server, but it seems not. That's good to know.

    I think you need to do whatever you think best for your project. I'll manage this little project of mine no matter what. If you go with the Python idea, I'll install my own Apache or other web server for my thing. If you keep the litghttpd server in there, I'll use it. I've written my bash backup and restore scripts now, which was good learning for me, so it's all good.

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