What's different after update?
  • I originally downloaded 0.7 Beta 1 and, for the most part, everything worked fine. Between last semester and work, I haven't had much time to mess with it. For Christmas, my wife got me the mayflash fightstick so I dug everything out & began working with it again. I had no problem using the stick with advmame but, games were running slow and I tried mame4all, games ran faster & looked better however, no joystick function- buttons- yes, stick- no. I figure I would upgrade to the latest version, maybe I just need some patches. Done. I like the changes in the menu and additions that I haven't messed with yet but, now my roms aren't opening. I put them in the same place as when I had version 0.7b1 and when I select a game, it says "files are missing." What am I missing?
  • Possibly the directories have changed in the newer release. Tell me where you are storing them currently.

    Else have you renamed the rom files? Advance MAME is fussy about file names. I don't know if mame4all is though.
    If you did that try renaming them back to the original names. eg. ddragon.zip


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