Xbox 360 arcade stick not detected by xbox drivers.
  • Hey. I'm new to the rpi scene and I need some help with the xbox drivers that come with pimame. I've been trying to get my MadCatz Street Fighter X Tekken Fightstick to work with AdvanceMAME and FBA, but I've been having a ton of trouble. No matter what I do, nothing is detected by any program, even jstest and jscal don't recognize the existence of the controller. I've tried a lot. I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers... no dice. I installed the joystick drivers... no dice. I manually edited the config files of xboxdrv, AdvanceMAME and FBA with a control scheme that has been proven to work... no dice. If someone could tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if this is hopeless, that'd be great. I just want to see if I can make the drivers even detect the controller plugged in the usb.

  • Run "lsusb", find which one of those is your stick. Then look take the ID, which will look similar to "1bad:f03a" Harmonix Music and run:

    xboxdrv --device-by-id "1bad:f03a" --type xbox360

    This will make your MadCatz runs but i'm still looking how to autostart this so that whenever i start my raspberry my MadCatz figstick is recognized automatically.
  • I found this:
    In the troubleshooting section Grumble talks about this:
    "No Xbox or Xbox360 controller found"

    This means that either your controller isn't plugged in or is not recognized by the driver. To fix this you need to know the idVendor and the idProduct numbers, which you can find out via:

    $ lsusb -v
    Once done you can try to add them to this array in src/xpad_device.cpp:

    XPadDevice xpad_devices[] = { ... }

    We have to ad the vendor ID to the ccp file and recompile it.
    But where can i find the ccp file in pimame and how do i recompile it????

  • I found another way around to make it work automatically on boot, not fully hot pluggable but that is fine with me!

    sudo nano /etc/rc.local

    Add the following line with your DeviceID:
    xboxdrv --device-by-id "1bad:f03a" --type xbox360 --quiet --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --silent & sleep 1
  • I finally got my SF4 TE stick working on PiMame, but it only works on the emulators. I cannot get it to work on the selection menu of PiMame. Thus I still need a keyboard hooked up. Can anyone give me some advice in order to get rid of the keyboard totally.

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