Mapping joystick/controls
  • Hi all, first off amazing project! Total noob here wondering if I can get pointed in the right direction with installing arcade controls. I bought this kit from ebay:
    I've got everything connected and it has a usb out to the pi. At the moment there's not a lot happening, the joystick up and down will scroll through the list of games in the advmame menu but will not actually control anything within a game. The odd button does do something, like one button seems to work as an 'enter' type button and one will change the display of game covers in the main mame menu, that sort of thing so not actually working within a game. I don't know if I need to map each button, joystick somehow (if so I have no idea how) regardless, maybe someone can give me a tip? Much appreciated!
  • I'm sorry, but you way overspent. I am also not sure of that encoders compatibility with linux. You could go into the game, hit tab, and then change the control to the button or joystick.
  • Yeah, so press tab in advmame (The emulator not menu) Then open up the controls option and you should be able to remap by pressing enter on your keyboard and pressing the joystick or button. If ADVMENU works fine with the joystick, it should be easy to set it up for most emulators.

  • Really? $255 for a couple of arcade buttons and a joystick! I got almost three times as much for under a hundred including postage!


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