Joystick/gamepad axes issue
  • Hello guys,
    I know this isn't exactly a pimame problem.
    I have a arcade joystick that I did myself using an usb gamepad many years ago. I used it along the years with pc and mac without problems.
    Now I'm trying to use it with pimame, the problem is that it's not registering the axes right. Using jstest it shows me the center of both axes as -32767. When I put it up or down, left or right it registers as 0. Of course, this way up/down and left/right is the same thing, so the emulators can't differ the directions with it.
    Anyone knows how to fix this and give different values to each direction?
    Here is a picture of what jstest shows me: 02.33.40.jpg

  • I am having similar issues with the gpwiz 49 from groovy gamegear. anyone have a fix?

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