Various MAME ROMs
  • I didn't know what category this belongs, but here goes. I have 3 versions of a MAME rom called Tapper. Version 1 is brand name Budweiser. In the background is a Budweiser logo. A second version I have the bartender serves Root Beer. A 3rd version he serves a drink called Suntory.
    The only way to select a different version is by pressing F12 on Tapper, and choosing which version I want.
    How can I configure it, so that Root Beer, Suntory and Tapper are 3 separate games?
  • If you are using Advancemenu try opening /home/pi/.advance/advmenu.rc and change the line saying:

    emulator_attrib "advmame" clone exclude

    Change it to

    emulator_attrib "advmame" clone include

    It currently believes that the three games are clones (which they are ) and won't show them because it is simply told not to in the configuration file.

    Tell me how it goes


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