No TAB key (or any input) in AdvMAME
  • I have a problem with AdvMAME in PiMame where pressing the TAB key does nothing, pressing ESC does not quit either and I have to CTRL+C to get out. I have googled and searched everywhere to find a fix, but nothing. Also there is no response from the joystick. All other emulators work fine.
  • I have exactly the same issue. Tried with two different keyboards, they work fine with the OS or other emulators. Tried remapping the UI key in /home/pi/.advance/advmame.rc to tab key (was set to auto by default) as i read on but didn't work.

    Advmame is totally unplayable, reached this point, even if you have a joystick, you can't insert coin or press player buttons. Mame4all works fine, but it only loads 1/8 of my roms, it looks like the others aren't compatible.
  • i've been able to reproduce this on my lapdock. looking into it now.
  • I am having the same issue. Has there been any progress?
  • can you post a copy of your advmame.rc? I had this problem when there was a duplicate entry in the file.
  • device_video_clock 5 - 50 / 15.62 / 50 ; 5 - 50 / 15.73 / 60
    debug_crash no
    debug_rawsound no
    debug_speedmark no
    device_alsa_device default
    device_alsa_mixer channel
    device_color_bgr15 yes
    device_color_bgr16 yes
    device_color_bgr24 yes
    device_color_bgr32 yes
    device_color_bgr8 yes
    device_color_palette8 yes
    device_color_yuy2 yes
    device_joystick auto
    device_keyboard auto
    device_mouse auto
  • device_raw_firstkeyhack no
    device_raw_mousedev[0] auto
    device_raw_mousedev[1] auto
    device_raw_mousedev[2] auto
    device_raw_mousedev[3] auto
    device_raw_mousetype[0] pnp
    device_raw_mousetype[1] pnp
    device_raw_mousetype[2] pnp
    device_raw_mousetype[3] pnp
    device_sdl_samples 512
    device_sound auto
    device_video auto
    device_video_cursor auto
    device_video_doublescan yes
    device_video_fastchange no
    device_video_interlace yes
    device_video_output auto
    device_video_overlaysize auto
    device_video_singlescan yes
    dir_artwork /home/pi/.advance/artwork:/usr/local/share/advance/artwork
    dir_diff /home/pi/.advance/diff
    dir_hi /home/pi/.advance/hi
    dir_image /home/pi/.advance/image:/usr/local/share/advance/image
    dir_inp /home/pi/.advance/inp
    dir_memcard /home/pi/.advance/memcard
    dir_nvram /home/pi/.advance/nvram
    dir_rom /home/pi/.advance/rom:/home/pi/roms
    dir_sample /home/pi/.advance/sample:/usr/local/share/advance/sample
    dir_snap /home/pi/.advance/snap
    dir_sta /home/pi/.advance/sta
    display_adjust none
  • display_antialias yes
    display_artwork_backdrop yes
    display_artwork_bezel no
    display_artwork_crop yes
    display_artwork_overlay yes
    display_aspectx 4
    display_aspecty 3
    display_beam 1
    display_brightness 1
    display_buffer no
    display_color auto
    display_expand 1
    display_flicker 0
    display_flipx no
    display_flipy no
    display_frameskip auto
    display_gamma 1
    display_intensity 1.5
    display_interlaceeffect none
    display_magnify 1
    display_mode auto
    display_pausebrightness 1
    display_resize fractional
    display_resizeeffect auto
    display_restore yes
    display_rgbeffect none
    display_rol no
    display_ror no
    display_scanlines no
    display_skipcolumns auto
    display_skiplines auto
    display_translucency yes
    display_vsync yes
    input_hotkey yes
  • You are missing your input mappings.

    They should look something like this:

    input_map[p1_up] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,8_pad] or keyboard[0,up] or keyboard[1,scan0]
    input_map[p1_down] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,2_pad] or keyboard[0,down] or keyboard[1,scan0]
    input_map[p1_right] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,6_pad] or keyboard[0,right] or keyboard[1,scan0]
    input_map[p1_left] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,4_pad] or keyboard[0,left] or keyboard[1,scan0]
    input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,enter]
    input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,space]
    input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,rcontrol]
    input_map[p1_button4] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,rshift]
    input_map[p1_button5] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,enter] keyboard[0,space]
    input_map[p1_button6] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,rcontrol] keyboard[0,rshift]
    input_map[p1_button7] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,enter] keyboard[0,rcontrol]
    input_map[p1_button8] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,space] keyboard[0,rshift]
    input_map[start1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,1]
    input_map[start2] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,2]
    input_map[coin1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,1]
    input_map[coin2] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,2]
    input_map[p2_up] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,w]
    input_map[p2_down] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,s]
    input_map[p2_right] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,d]
    input_map[p2_left] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,a]
    input_map[p2_button1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,r]
    input_map[p2_button2] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,t]
    input_map[p2_button3] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,y]
    input_map[p2_button4] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,u]
    input_map[p2_button5] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,r] keyboard[0,t]
    input_map[p2_button6] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,y] keyboard[0,u]
    input_map[p2_button7] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,r] keyboard[0,y]
    input_map[p2_button8] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,t] keyboard[0,u]
    input_map[p1_doubleleft_up] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,8_pad]
    input_map[p1_doubleleft_down] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,2_pad]
    input_map[p1_doubleleft_right] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,6_pad]
    input_map[p1_doubleleft_left] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,4_pad]
    input_map[p1_doubleright_up] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,r]
    input_map[p1_doubleright_down] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,f]
    input_map[p1_doubleright_right] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,g]
    input_map[p1_doubleright_left] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,d]
    input_map[ui_cancel] keyboard[1,scan0] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,1] keyboard[0,2] or keyboard[1,esc] or keyboard[1,scan0]

    The available key names are: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0_pad, 1_pad, 2_pad, 3_pad, 4_pad, 5_pad, 6_pad, 7_pad, 8_pad, 9_pad, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, esc, backquote, minus, equals, backspace, tab, openbrace, closebrace, enter, semicolon, quote, backslash, less, comma, period, slash, space, insert, del, home, end, pgup, pgdn, left, right, up, down, slash_pad, asterisk_pad, minus_pad, plus_pad, period_pad, enter_pad, prtscr, pause, lshift, rshift, lcontrol, rcontrol, lalt, ralt, lwin, rwin, menu, scrlock, numlock, capslock.

    It's a combination of the key names or scan-code, and of the operators `not', `or'. The `and' operator is implicit between consecutive scan-codes.

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