Solved Issues Category --->
  • Hey all,

    I made a solved issues category that will house all of the discussions that have been closed and had a successful resolution. Hopefully this becomes a repository of great advice.

    Once your issue has been solved a moderator or admin will move it into this category.


  • Hi Shea,

    Is there a way to add an attachment to a post/message?

    I have a text document (just plain ascii but rather lengthy), where I have recorded solutions to various solutions/fixes/changes that I have encountered along the way. I'm sure it would be useful to others as I have spent a lot of time gleaning this info and would be useful as a download rather than a lengthy post.

  • I don't think Vanilla Forums allows attachments. I'll have to look at some plugins. If you send me the file, I can host it here and make it a download for you.
  • OK, will email you the file.

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