C64 Vice - wrong aspect ratio?
  • I've configured Pimame to start C64/Vice (x64) from the bootup. The aspect ratio with HDMI is 16:9 even though it should be 4:3. There is no way to change this with many LCD TV's. Vice's Video settings won't help - it is 16:9 no matter what you do... Is there a way to change the ratio setting? Other than that, the setup is working flawlessly!
  • Changing aspect ratio in /boot/config.txt doesn't help... I've tried to set it to 720x576 PAL - it changes the boot window but C64 remains in wrong aspect ratio.
  • Ok. I changed HDMI_MODE=17 setting and it is now working ok for composite and hdmi outputs. I think this one prevents the 16:9 games looking like they should, so I guess this is a workaround. Any suggestions for a better way?

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