[SOLVED] Read ROMs from USB Stick
  • Hey, I know very little about Linux and tweaking config files. I was wondering if someone here could tell me how I would go about having advmame read from a USB stick for the ROM library as opposed to /home/pi/roms/ Is there a way I could get advmame to read both locations to build the library? Or say set it up where it's got a "top picks" section that are say on my SD card, but then a more extensive library of less frequently played games on my USB stick?

  • This is something I want to work on as I know it would be a valuable feature. If nobody else posts some solutions then that will be next on my Todos.
  • This can be done in advmame

    if you only want one emulator, this can be done in advmame.

    Try updating the dir_rom variable in /home/pi/.advance/advmame.rc, appending ";/path/to/usb/folder" (include semicolon)

    If memory serves, that is.

    If you want two different emulators, one for each source, have a look at the instructions from Martin3232 and johnnygal at http://pimame.org/forum/discussion/22/speed-and-mame4all#Item_16 (setting up the second instance as a generic emulator instead).
  • Marked as solved.

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