mame4all works CPS2 games?
  • Can anyone run CPS2 games in mame4all (not AdvanceMAME)?

    Example: Dungeons & Dragons, Marvel Super Heroes, DarkStalkers, etc..

    Here CPS2 roms are not displayed in the game list. Is it compatible?

    In AdvanceMAME works, but very slow.
  • Nop I don't think mame4all run them... On android device i used "CPSemu", an app found on XDAdeveloper forum so maybe this one can be adapt for the raspberry!
  • Ok friend, thanks for the info.
  • CPS2 games were decrypted later in MAME's life, but at 0.37b5 they were still a way off from getting CPS2 to work correctly.

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