new to mame...
  • Hi
    So this rPi is my first venture into MAME, figured i'd build something that my kid could enjoy!
    But i'm having some issues....

    1. advmame - trying to launch any rom just freezes on the rom selection screen. I can still remote access the pi whilst its frozen via rdp/ssh. Weird. It WAS working-ish, one or 2 games would just cause a black screen (space invaders), but I could escape out of it.
    2. installed several neogeo roms, but it always says it cant find any games.
    3. same with snes
    4. same with psone

    mame4all is working nicely! maybe 50% of the roms I've located have worked in this one. If anyone can point me in a better direction of sources...

    Where am I going wrong with this? If I just wanted it to launch straight to mame4all instead of the initial menu, how would I do this? Although I really like the games list that you see with advmame. Also, advmame seems to fit my screen better than mame4all - which cuts off a little top/bottom.

    i'm on pimame 0.7.5
  • if you want to skip the menu and go straight to mame4all, edit /home/pi/.profile
    at the end of that script you can see that it launches

    All you do is comment that out, and then insert a path straight to mame4all.
    (IIRC /home/pi/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame)
    Perhaps Shea can put the individual paths to the emulators in .profile and comment them out so we can easily enable them by uncommenting the paths.

    Perhaps include a maintenance window sleep script, and a simple shutdown command, all commented out so users can easily implement those too if they want to go keyboard free, like I did.

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