iBuffalo Controllers
  • Hi. Got a tricky problem with my iBuffalo Controllers. I can configure all buttons except L and R. Any ideas guys?

  • what happens when you try to configure them in the piplay controller config menu? Does it register a button push and go to the next item? or does it just not register at all?
  • Hi, thanks for replying!
    It registers the input and goes to the next item. It's just like as if it's not saving the configurations to the file.
    But, I did poke around in fceux.cfg and found that the "SDL.Input.GamePad" was incorrect. So I went through "http://pastebin.com/ikcEgHxF" and found the incorrect commands and now they work!
    But then another problem showed up :P Pressing "A" both registers "A" and "B" at the same time, so in Megaman (NES) for example I jump and shoot at the same time... Gonna check the file again when I get home from work though.

    Is there another separate .cfg file for mame4all?
  • mame4all has no config file, it has to be configured inside the emulator. just run any game and then press 'tab' to open the config menu.
  • Thanks, the snes controllers are all up and running :)

    I have another issue sadly. I've connected my ps1 controller via an USB-converter and some of the buttons don't work in pcsx_rearmed. Jstest shows that the controller works but no results in the emulator. Is there a specific place to configure the controls for pcsx_rearmed?
  • I actually have no experience using the pcsx_rearmed emulator. can anyone else chime in here?

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